The annual Winter Fair took place at Wincanton Racecourse on Saturday 18 November, raising an incredible £20,500 on the day! All proceeds are given to The Balsam Centre, directly supporting our local community, and making this the biggest fundraising event in our calendar.
The Fair would not happen without the energy and commitment of an incredible band of volunteers, who work tirelessly for months to bring it all together. During the course of the year, they gather donations from far and wide, and then curate them into different stalls, including jewellery, gifts, handbags, plants, deli, toy stall, kitchenware, trash and treasure, pictures, tombola, café, raffle and the ever-popular preloved clothing, a real honeypot for fans of vintage fashion.
Almost everything sold on the day had been handmade, donated, upcycled or repurposed, and the volunteers are justifiably proud of this sustainable approach. We can’t thank them enough for all that they do.
If you missed it, you definitely missed out but the Fair will be back next year.