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Men's Shed

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am - 12.30pm, at The Balsam Centre

(Currently on hold while our new shed is being built!)

Bored? Lonely? Want to start a new project? Why not pop in for a cuppa and have a chat with the 'shedders'?


We're a friendly group of men who enjoy working with wood. Our skill levels range from beginner to expert. Come along on a Tuesday or Thursday morning between 10am and 12.30pm and we can show you around, and tell you about our plans for expansion. Stand still long enough and we'll give you something to do!


Booking essential: call 01963 31842


About the Men's Shed

Starting in Australia, Men's Sheds have now expanded worldwide. Many men found that once they retired they lost their social network so "Men in Sheds" started, bringing retired or unemployed men together to work on community projects and to socialise again. Our group started early in 2014.


If you enjoy pottering about in your shed, or you'd like to work on a project - your own or a community project - with others, then come and meet the 'shedders'. You don't have to be a carpenter to join; someone will help you out. But we won't turn you away if you are an expert either!

Sanding wood in the Men's Shed
Auricula theatre displaying terracotta pots

Items for sale

Did you know that many items made by our 'shedders' are for sale? Take a look at our gallery of items, or why not commission your own piece?


We received fantastic support in the early days of the Men's Shed. The late Dennis Massey, from the local Tools for Self Reliance group, gave us great advice and was a true inspiration. Through the Somerset Community Foundation, local furniture manufacturer, Myakka, provided funds to allow the Men's Shed to purchase new tools including a woodturning lathe.


Triton Tools based in Yeovil encouraged the Men's Shed movement in the UK, and donated new equipment to us.


We are very grateful for all and any support. If your business has offcuts of wood that aren't needed (apart from MDF), we would be able to put them to good use. Call 01963 31842 or email if you can help.

Men smiling while holding cups of tea outside the Men's Shed

Want to know more about the Men's Shed?

For all enquiries about our Men's Shed, from joining to offering your support, please contact us on 01963 31842 or email

Find us

The Balsam Centre
Balsam Park

(SatNav BA9 9PA)


Phone: 01963 31842

Registered charity no: 1080719


Centre opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
(Some groups and activities meet in the evening and at weekends.)

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The Balsam Centre is the trading name of Wincanton Community Venture. Wincanton Community Venture is a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1080719) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number 3898170). Our registered office is The Balsam Centre, Balsam Park, Wincanton BA9 9HB

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