Health Walks
Regular exercise is good for us but sometimes it can be hard to get started. An activity as simple as walking improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces our risk of heart disease and stroke. It's also beneficial for people experiencing depression, low mood and anxiety; it can improve self-esteem and of course help with weight management. And walking in a group is very sociable!
We run regular Health Walks for all abilities, from the complete beginner to the more experienced walker, led by trained walk leaders. They’re a great way to meet new people, enjoy local natural spaces and improve your health and wellbeing. Everyone is welcome.
What does it cost?
There is no charge for joining one of our Health Walks but you can make a donation if you like, which contributes towards the insurance, training and walk leaders’ kit.

Want to become a walk leader?
If you are interested in becoming a walk leader, we can offer you full training. All walks have two walk leaders and operate on a rota basis. The leaders for the long walks generally take responsibility for one walk every couple of months, which also involves walking and checking the route in advance to check for any problems - overgrown rights of way, fallen trees, overflowing rivers, or stroppy cattle! Call us on 01963 31842 or email if you'd like to find out more.