Babies and pre-school
Early relationships and experiences are influential throughout our life course. Our nursery, Conkers, offers very high quality childcare and early education, while our various play sessions for parents and children, buggy walks and Breastfeeding Cafe provide support to parents during the crucial perinatal period and beyond. These are the groups currently on offer at the Centre.
Breastfeeding Support Group

Every Monday, 10.30am - 12pm, in The Nest
Run by mums for mums, this small and friendly drop-in group offers breastfeeding support from trained peer supporters. It's also a great place to meet other new and expectant mums.
Older siblings are welcome and there's no need to book in advance. You'll find plenty of free parking nearby.
For more information call 01963 31842, visit our Facebook page, or join our Facebook group.
Pop in & Play (term-time only)

Tuesdays during term time, 9.30am - 11am, in The Nest at The Balsam Centre
A drop-in play session for you and your child to come along and enjoy our resources in a relaxed and friendly environment. Some of our activities may be a little messy so please come in clothes you don't mind getting dirty!
You can also chat to our friendly team about parenting matters if you need some help or advice.
For parents with children under five years of age. Term-time only. No need to book.
Healthy Little Ones

Thursdays, 10.30am - 12pm, in The Nest at The Balsam Centre
Free drop-in group for bump to 5s, their parents and carers
A friendly and fun drop-in session run by the Health Visiting team, where you can access free health and development advice, practical and emotional infant feeding support, self-weigh your under 5, meet other parents/carers, and play!
Call 0300 323 0118 for more information.
Get to know your Health Visiting Service
Stourhead Buggy & Sling Walks

Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, 9.30am, at Stourhead Gardens (registering is essential)
This walk through the gardens at Stourhead is available for parents/carers with children under 5 years of age living within a 10-mile radius of The Balsam Centre. Due to the popularity of this group, there is a limit of 14 walkers on the walk, so we run on a first-come-first-served basis.
Registering beforehand is absolutely essential. See our health walks page for more information.
Explore & Play Under 5s (term-time only)

Fridays during term time, 9.30am - 11am, in The Nest at The Balsam Centre
A space for parents and children to come together to play, socialise and explore. We provide a relaxed environment with a focus on creative activities for you and your child to experience together. You may discover your own fun-loving inner child while learning how important play is to your child’s development.
Parents/guardians are required to stay with their children and help them to have fun with the activities on offer. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children at all times.
Term-time only, with a donation each week. No need to book. If you have any questions, please call The Balsam Centre on 01963 31842 and ask to speak with Suzi.
Explore & Play Under 2s (term-time only)

Fridays during term time, 1pm - 2pm, in The Nest at The Balsam Centre
A space for parents and babies to come together to play, socialise and explore. We provide a relaxed environment with a focus on creative activities for you and your baby to experience together. You may discover your own fun-loving inner child while learning how important play is to your baby's development.
Parents/guardians are required to stay with their children and help them to have fun with the activities on offer. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children at all times.
Term-time only, with a donation each week. No need to book. If you have any questions, please call The Balsam Centre on 01963 31842 and ask to speak with Suzi.
Other family and toddler groups in the wider area