Art & craft groups
The Little Craft & Art Studio
Every Wednesday, 6pm - 8pm, at The Balsam Centre
Run by Lu Jones, this is two hours of fun crafting and warm conversation. We have a different activity for each session but if you have a particular skill you would like to share, please do let Lu know. Past classes have included card making, needle felting, decoupage and wreath making.
The idea is to get out the house, try different things, meet people and have some fun!
Cost: £5 per session including materials and refreshments. Please book in advance by emailing Lu.

Soft Furnishings Class
Every Thursday, 10am - 12pm, at The Balsam Centre
This is a soft furnishing class - cushions, curtains and blinds. Beginners are very welcome; Julie, an experienced textiles teacher, will guide you through to making your first piece. Bring your own sewing machine if you have one.
Cost: £5 per session. This class is currently fully booked but you can join the waiting list by emailing or calling 01963 31842.